“Guruvayoor Ambalanadayil” is an eagerly anticipated Malayalam film directed by Vipin Das, featuring Prithviraj Sukumaran and Basil Joseph in prominent roles. With additional cast members including Nikhila Vimal, Anaswara Rajan, and Jagadish, the movie marks the Malayalam debut of Tamil actor Yogi Babu. Currently in production, the film is a collaborative effort between Prithviraj Productions and E4 Entertainment, with the screenplay crafted by Deepu Pradeep, known for his work in “Kunjiramayanam.”
Vipin Das, renowned for directing “Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey” (2022) starring Dharshana and Basil Joseph, as well as “Antakshari” (2022), is at the helm of “Guruvayoor Ambalanadayil.” This comedy drama promises to showcase a different facet of Prithviraj Sukumaran, offering audiences a refreshing experience after his recent venture in the family drama genre with “Bro Daddy.”
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