Reel or real? The absence of authentic art

Since its inception, cinema has been a major source of entertainment, standing out in the current age alongside technological advancements like e-cigarettes and real-time Uber monitoring. The medium of cinema holds a prominent position, exerting a significant influence on our lives.

Blurring Lines Between Reel and Real

In the era of technology engulfing our daily lives, cinema breaks the fourth wall, bridging the gap between reel life and real life. The resemblance between the two has become so striking that distinguishing certain activities as part of either realm has become a challenge.

Cinema’s Impact on Social Discourse

Recent times have witnessed a surge in discussions on crucial topics such as women empowerment, feminism, and humanity. However, it prompts a simple yet crucial question: Do we truly understand the authentic meanings of these concepts, or are we merely following their “reel” interpretations?

Exploring Feminism in Recent Films

Movies like “Pink” (Hindi), “Queen” (Malayalam), and “Uyare” (Malayalam) have capitalized on the market value of the “reel” concept of feminism. These narratives often depict women facing societal injustices and finding empowerment only after being wronged. This raises critical questions about the portrayal of feminism in cinema. What defines an empowered woman? Is it one who prevents harm or one who, after being victimized, relies on external support to seek justice?


Feminism is not a right given to women to inflict harm on men, on purpose. It is bigger than that. It is that state of mind and body where human beings accept each other and are tolerant to each other’s personal space. The concept of personal space and empowerment is closely related. Along with teaching your boys how to behave to a girl and how “not to be a girl and cry for silly things”, teach our children to accept people as humans (without the dichotomy of gender or sex). Man and woman are different only in our physique. We share the same space and sometimes even perceive the world with the same eyes. The most basic thing, is to do away with differentiations based on gender.

Divergent Moral Codes for Men and Women

Our society operates with two markedly different sets of morals and beliefs for men and women. Conditioning has led us to perceive certain things as privileges and prerequisites solely for men, implying that only men are permitted to engage in these activities. Consequently, the portrayal of feminism on screen often bears no relation to its actual conceptualization.

Disconnection between Cinematic Feminism and Reality

The cinematic representation of feminism often diverges significantly from its authentic essence. The depictions we witness on the reels do not accurately reflect the true nature and purpose of feminism, perpetuating a distorted perception.

Commercialization of Humanity in Movies

Why do movies repeatedly celebrate the simple concept of humanity? In some instances, scenes portraying humanity are inserted as commercial elements without genuine relevance or necessity. Humanity and feminism have transformed into marketable products within the cinema industry, raising questions about the sincerity and authenticity of their portrayals.

What is our cinema celebrating, is it humanity or violence?

Paradoxes in Cinematic Narratives

A recent theatrical encounter was the Malayalam film “Porinju Mariam Jose,” which, despite attracting a large audience, is perceived as a paradoxical experience. The central paradox revolves around protagonists who, in one moment, champion humanity and, in the next, engage in acts of violence and murder. This raises a fundamental contradiction: What is our cinema truly celebrating—humanity or violence?

Inconsistencies in Cinematic Messaging

Questions arise about the messaging in our films. The censor board mandates titles like “smoking is injurious to health.” However, scenes of smoking and alcohol consumption are portrayed as heroic mass actions. Similarly, the title “violence against women is an offence” coexists with scenes depicting the very violence it condemns. These inconsistencies underscore a self-contradictory nature in our contemporary art.

Call for Genuine Art

While acknowledging the existence of freedom of speech and expression, the question remains: Why resort to makeshift approaches? Why not embrace genuine art? The need is for authentic stories with characters and moments reflective of our lives. A genuine narrative enables viewers to empathize with protagonists, making their stories relatable and turning us into heroes within the narrative.

Views and opinions expressed here are those of the author/s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of plumeria movies

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About the Author

Anjali Chakkoth
A traveller at heart, writing is my art. Love is my God and this world is my home. Music is the drug and Cinema is the flame.

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